Organic Vegetable Gardening Courses with Organic Guru Jim Cronin

COURSE BOOKED OUT! Next opportunity to Learn from Jim will be at a special Masterclass held at Clare Garden Festival on 29th April. 1 hour course on festival day at festival grounds in a separate classroom. All details, cost and booking to be announced. Interested persons can email cc@carmencronin.ie.
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Taster Organic Gardening course at Jim Cronin's Farm

(Suitable for beginners/intermediate gardeners)

Saturday 10th March, 10am
Jim Cronin’s Farm, Bridgetown, Co Clare. €30 per person.
Payment please using The Organic Centre website Limited spaces so please sign up by 02nd March using application form to secure a place.
Contact Details: Contact Carmen on 087 611 75 38 or Email Carmen

Learn from one of the most respected organic growers in Ireland.

9.30am Registration
at Jim Cronin’s farm, Bridgetown, Co Clare. Directions will be sent upon receipt of application.

10am- 1pm
Introduction and Garden visit guided by and including demonstration by Jim Cronin (starts 10am sharp)

The Taster session is part of the six week ‘Learn how to garden organically with Jim Cronin’ course by The Organic Centre. Anyone taking part in the Taster can sign up the full course in turn, paying the remaining sum in turn.

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Learn how to garden organically with Jim Cronin - Six week course -

Over the course of six Saturday mornings you will learn all about site selection, sowing seeds, setting up a polytunnel or glasshouse, growing different vegetables, growing beneficial flowers in the garden for biodiversity, learn about no dig gardening and green manures, and find out how to deal with weeds , diseases and pests.
The course is suitable for total beginners as well as more experienced gardeners. It is a mixture of classroom and a practical outdoors learning experience.
A unique opportunity to learn from one of the most respected organic growers in Ireland.

Starting on March 10th Saturday
and continuing on the following dates: March 24th Saturday, April 7th Saturday and 21st Saturday, May 5th Saturday and 19th Saturday.
Time: 10am to 1pm. Tea/coffee and scone on arrival.
Cost: €180 per person. (including taster session) For bookings go to The Organic Centre website

The upcoming Organic Gardening Course is proudly supported by Clare Garden Festival. It is an information-packed course is suitable for beginners and more seasoned gardeners. Jim promises that 'going organic' is much easier and more rewarding than you might think! The classes are held in a very relaxed and informal atmosphere with questions welcomed and hands-on information and practices explained clearly.

“We need to make detailed knowledge about food production in an organic way easily available to be sustainable into the future.” says Jim Cronin, Organic Grower and tutor for over a decade. “Passing on knowledge, information and ideas is a great privilege to me, which goes beyond the act of teaching and aims to create a healthier society and focuses around attention on the increasing need to re-localise our food production in particular and our communities in general for the coming post-carbon era where food miles will be reduced to food meters.”

The best way to learn is from those that are involved every day and are able to combine the old traditions with new knowledge and methods based on sound principals – Jim does exactly that on his farm in Bridgetown, Co Clare. Originally from Ennistymon, Jim has been gardening from his early childhood. He never lost the passion and excitement of practicing and exploring Organic Gardening and is now known to many as a leading expert in organic horticulture and is a mine of information and advice on all aspects of growing organically, with a lifetime of experience and a deep love of working in cooperation with nature. Jim is also an advocate of local, sustainable agriculture and was a founding member of the thriving Killaloe Farmers Market where he sells his garden fresh produce all year round. He and Rebecca Hussey run courses that are attended by interested people from the length and breadth of the country for over a decade.

087 611 75 38 Email Carmen